The Menace Of Indecent Exposure - Eurek365 The site features true life stories, humor,Archival sports, womanhood, share a laugh etc

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The Menace Of Indecent Exposure

The Menace Of Indecent Exposure

    By Nike Oluwole

One bad habit that women indulge in these days is indecent exposure of their bodies in public. It is commonplace to see women wearing tight-fitting and skimpy dresses that are too revealing to be worn by decent people. There is a vogue for ladies to deliberately have the neckline of their blouses and gowns cut so low as to expose half (or more) of their breasts, leaving one to wonder what happened to decency, dignity and morality.

More baffling is the fact that even married women are involved in this despicable spectacle that brings nothing but shame to womanhood. Aside from the sense of shame that seems to be lacking in those women, they are also not mindful of the effects that their actions are capable of producing in the opposite sex and the wrong signals they send to potential rapists.

Many bachelors and married men who harass women sexually are actually seduced by the women who wear miniskirts, tight-fitting trousers that leave nothing to the imagination, off-shoulder blouses and gowns and those which reveal their breasts or lower abdomen. By the time the guys behold the thighs in miniskirts, bare shoulders and chests, as well as the open breasts that they are being constantly bombarded with, not many of them can resist the temptation that follows. And that’s the main reason immorality is prevalent in our society today. Both married and unmarried men chase ladies all over the place, and those who fail to get the ladies’ co-operation end up raping them.

I believe the women know exactly what they are inviting by dressing the way they do, though they may not bargain for rape. The whole thing is a deliberate ploy to attract the opposite sex, for reasons ranging from inordinate sexual desires to financial needs.

Many university environments are guilty of this show of shame. Most female undergraduates package themselves in a manner that makes their lecturers feel challenged to make a move. In fact, majority of young ladies are dying to be in a university campus not only because of the desire for academic gains but also the glamour that is associated with acada girls. It is said that Hercules can be recognised from the size of his feet. So also are the typical Nigerian female undergraduates. By their appearances, you can accurately guess who they are. Only a few institutions of higher learning have seen the need to put in place a dress code to checkmate the seductive appetite of their female students.

Another offensive environment is the banking sector where ladies are employed with the lewd mandate, so to speak, of luring wealthy clients into opening huge accounts with their employers. They are made to expunge decency from their lexicon. Those ones are classified as corporate prostitutes and they are packaged so temptingly that even a monk will turn at their sight. Their official dress code is to wear tight miniskirts that reveal all that will land them jumbo accounts. About two years ago, a disgusted National Union of Banks, Insurance and Other Financial Institutions Employees (NUBIFIE) had to rally round the relevant government agencies including the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to intervene in what can be aptly described as an excursion to the Jezebel era. The situation still persists in spite of the bold move made by the union. Even the Senate President, Senator David Mark once had cause to condemn the seductive stratagem of these female bankers when they attempted to win him over.

It was this offensive exhibition by some women that also prompted Senator Eme Ekaette to rush a bill to the floor of the Senate seeking a law that will knock some moral senses into these errant daughters of Eve. It has been a long time since we last heard anything about the Bill for an Act to Prohibit and Punish Public Nudity, Sexual Intimidation and Other Related Offences in Nigeria. Senator Ekaette will do the womenfolk a world of favour and also save our sense of decency from being assaulted on daily basis by pursuing the bill to fruition.

If those women want to take refuge in fashion, then this is a disturbing and depraved fashion that must be condemned by every decent person, man or woman. The time has come for ladies to protect the dignity of womanhood by dressing decently and thus, reducing the moral bankruptcy of the society.

(First Published in SUMMIT Newspaper on April 28, 2010)

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