Bizman sees buddy to prison, takes over his fiancée - Eurek365 The site features true life stories, humor,Archival sports, womanhood, share a laugh etc

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Bizman sees buddy to prison, takes over his fiancée

 Bizman sees buddy to prison, takes over his fiancée

A familiar story is told in the Holy Scriptures of a king of Israel named David who abandoned his duty post and instead decided to survey the environment around his palace while lazying about. In those Biblical days, it was customary for kings to lead their armies to the battlefields. King David was a seasoned warrior who felled the mighty Goliath when he was a teenager.

On this fateful afternoon, the king waltzed to his balcony and sighted a beautiful young woman taking her bath a close distance from his palace. He could not resist the curves. He promptly sent for the woman who turned out to be the wife of one of his soldiers named Uriah. Uriah had been at the war front which should have been led by King David whose weakness were women, beautiful women.

The woman answered her king’s call but had no idea what his majesty’s agenda was. However, one thing led to another and Uriah’s spouse became pregnant. When the soldier’s wife discovered she had been impregnated, she ran to her king to break the terrible news. The king calmed her down and sent for her husband from the battlefield. Uriah was persuaded by the king to go home and unwind with his wife. But rather than go home to unwind, Uriah spent the night at the king’s gate. The reason was simply that he could not imagine himself unwinding when his fellow soldiers were measuring swords in the battlefield.

When King David heard about Uriah’s failure to unwind with his wife at home, he became disturbed. So, he sent for his patriotic soldier and gave him a sealed death warrant to be delivered to his commander. He was to be posted to the hottest spot at the battlefield. The commander obeyed his king’s order. Uriah was assigned to the hottest zone where he fell to the enemy’s sword. With Uriah out of the way, King David took his wife into the palace to cover up his sin. The rest, as they say, is now history.

The David-Uriah scenario played out in a major town north of the Niger not long ago. A very prosperous business tycoon had a close buddy who was a senior officer in the licensing office in the town. The latter was dating a very pretty young lady who was a student nurse in the town. Whenever the licensing officer went to visit his fiancée at the nursing school, he would go with the businessman. Their closeness was reminiscent of the attachment between David and Jonathan.

But unknown to the licensing man, his rich friend, like King David, was coveting his girl friend. Trouble began for him when he issued a driving licence to a man he had never set his eyes upon let alone put to test. Alarm blew when the licensee was presented to the licensing authorities as a man with hunch back who stood less than four feet above the ground. He was presumed to have taken a bribe to do what he did. He was promptly charged to court, tried and sentenced to prison.

The fiancée was devastated. However, she and her fiance’s friend, the bizman, visited her man in prison on regular basis at first. But as time went by, the duo became more and more intimate then one thing led to another. Upon graduating from the nursing school, a year after the incarceration of her fiancé, she and the bizman got married. The thought of waiting on her man to serve his jail-term was out of the question.

After their marriage preparation got into top gear, stories began to make the rounds that the unfortunate travails of the licensing manwas a set-up and that the bizman was behind the issuance of the driving licence by his bosom pal to the dwarf with the hunch back. The story was believable but the nurse did not care a hoot because of the stupendous wealth she had been launched into. Besides, in her reasoning, who would want to be married to an ex-convict?

When the news of his fiancée’s wedding to his best friend got to him in the prison and the insinuation that he was set up, he was not altogether surprised because he had suspected something funny when the duo stopped their usual visitation to him. But he is serving his jail term with philosophical calm and waiting for his freedom rather than lamenting over his friend’s betrayal and his fiancée’s collaboration in the episode.

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