Randy Clinton saddled with another man’s pregnancy - Eurek365 The site features true life stories, humor,Archival sports, womanhood, share a laugh etc

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Randy Clinton saddled with another man’s pregnancy

Randy Clinton saddled with another man’s pregnancy

Hillary Clinton, the former US Secretary of state for Foreign Affairs, should not panic over the title of this piece. She is not about to have a step child to add up to Chelsea, her only daughter who got married some years back. The ghost of Monica Lewinsky’s sex scandal is also not about to hunt the Clintons again. The Clinton under reference here is just a namesake of Bill Clinton, the former US president.

This Clinton is an Akwa Ibomite who migrated to Aba in company of his mother in their pursuit of the proverbial Golden Fleece. Upon completion of his secondary education, his mother chose tailoring for him and attached him to a London-trained fashion-designer.

The young Clinton soon excelled in the art of sewing English dresses. Upon graduation, Clinton decided to move to Abuja in 2005 and settled in Pyakasa, a suburb in the Federal Capital Territory. In no time, he became a hot cake, especially among banks whose official attires are mainly English wears. Suddenly, Clinton became the Prince of Serendip, so called because of the sudden wealth that came his way as a result of unexpected and high patronage. Fame smiled on him and women, too, began to swarm around him like ants on sugar.

Poor Clinton was seen as a cash cow by the women in and around the neighborhood who came in droves to partake of the huge revenue the young man was raking from his tailoring job. Clinton, however, got his fingers burnt in the process of sampling the women. What happened? One of the young girls regularly seen with him got hit on target and became pregnant. The girl, a pretty-looking sylph, was staying with her senior sister who was married. The girl’s brother-in-law swung into action soon after the wife intimated him that her younger sister had lately formed the habit of throwing up first thing in the mornings. There were other physiological transformations observed on her, such as swollen boobs and padded body.

The aggregate of these changes pointed in one direction: a pregnancy had taken place. The enraged bother-in-law reached for a machete and demanded for the identity of the “abominatious” randy man who could not rein his subjacent weapon but preferred to unleash it on innocent girls and swore to make mincemeat of the guy’s restless manhood. The brother-in-law’s anger was further fueled by the fact that their village tradition in Akwa Ibom which forbids impregnation outside wedlock had been rubbished. It was in the midst of raving and cursing that the girl fingered Clinton as being responsible for sowing the seed in her womb. Clinton was soon caged in his shop where he confessed to having an affair with the girl. He was asked to prepare for marriage in the face of a glittering machete. But Clinton ignored the proposal. Rather, he accepted to take care of the pregnant girl and eventually his baby when delivered. From that moment, Clinton, a deacon in one of the local churches in the area, a position his big pocket fetched him, assumed ante-natal responsibility, as well as feeding and other domestic needs of the entire family.

Eventually, the girl was delivered of a bouncing baby boy. And Clinton began to prepare for a thanksgiving appearance at his church. Then the young mother opened up and confessed that Clinton was not the one that sowed his way into her womb. And that she only fingered him because he had the bucks to see her through, pending when the authentic father would be out of the economic woods. Although Clinton felt bad that he was used, he still went ahead to do thanksgiving because the truth had finally come to set him free.

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