High-profile Abuja babe courts cardiac arrest - Eurek365 The site features true life stories, humor,Archival sports, womanhood, share a laugh etc

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High-profile Abuja babe courts cardiac arrest

High-profile Abuja babe courts cardiac arrest

Abuja, adjudged one of the fastest growing cities in the world, also cuts the picture of the proverbial elephant and the five blind men. The first one who touched the ear described it as a banana leaf. The second one that felt the body passed it as Olumo Rock. The third who encountered the foot called it iroko tree. The fourth blind man likened it to anaconda upon touching the trunk. But the fifth blind man who contacted the tail disagreed with the others and insisted that the massive animal was as tiny as a viper.

Many people stream into Abuja daily with different mindsets. However, majority of them are of the belief that the city is littered with Ghana-must-go, and all you need to do is just to find your way there and carry-go your own share of the national cake. For those who make their money easily, they fall victim of the axiom that says, “Easy comes, easy goes”. And Abuja has become a one-stop city where easy money is made. No thanks to corruption which is the most thriving industry in the seat of power. Or how do you rationalize the quantum of money circulating in the city as exemplified by the dizzying lifestyle of the rich?

There are those who attempt to mimic the rich when their expectations are not met. Instances abound of people who survive on biscuits, roasted plantain and groundnuts which they wash down with pure water but cruise around in jeeps and other flashy cars. A couple came to Abuja some time ago and were fortunate to hit it big. Rather than start life moderately, the man decided to rent a bungalow in a highbrow area called Maitama and paid a whopping N5million as rent per annum. In the man’s reasoning, Abuja would continue to supply his needs beyond measure. However, before the end of the tenancy, the man took ill and died. When the tenancy expired, the man’s wife and their four kids fled to Lugbe, one of the bustling satellite towns in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), to find their level. Many people blamed the wife for allowing her man to sink such huge amount on rent just because everybody thinks Abuja is like a mammoth whale offered to a kindergarten as a meal, which would last him for life.

An Abuja-based babe, who can best be described as the Princess of Serendip, came to the city about a year ago, and could not believe her luck as fortune smiled on her, causing her to develop a very high taste. She ensconced herself in a beautiful duplex which sliced off about N3million from her fat bank account, courtesy of her rich politician man friend whom she had met during a South-south campaign rally in 2010. Upon moving into the bungalow, the Edo stunner, who has no visible means of livelihood, sent for her mother and her only sibling from the village to keep her company in the 4-room duplex.

After one year of the babe’s relocation to Abuja, sex familiarity began to set in on the part of the politician and he is no longer forthcoming with the bucks. The rent on the duplex will soon be due for renewal, and the babe is at sea as to how to meet the financial obligation. She is presently running from pillar to post trying to make the Niger Delta politician renew his love for her as well as the rent. Meanwhile, in the past couple of months, she has been under serious stress and her blood pressure shot up, hovering around 180/120 and 200/140. Her doctor has been advising her to take things easy or risk a massive heart attack even as she has been forced to take a rest at the hospital a couple of times. The babe is now on the horns of a dilemma. Should she return to square one in Okugbe near Okpella in shame or risk being thrown out of the comfort zone at the end of her tenancy, even though she still nurses the thin hope that the Niger Delta cash cow would have a rethink and return to sit on her luscious laps once more? This is most unlikely because unknown to the babe, the politician has since paid for a VIP suite in one of the five-star hotels in the city where he is quartering another kinky babe.

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